Is Diatomaceous Earth Harmful?
What is Diatomaceous Earth?
According to Golden Harvest Organics, diatomaceous earth is not earth at all. It is actually the exoskeletons of tiny, water plants (diatoms) that have fossilized over time. These fossilized exoskeletons are mined, and then ground up to produce a fine powder. The fine powder may be further treated to produce a crystallized form. Diatomaceous earth contains significant amounts of magnesium, silicon, calcium, sodium and iron. Trace amounts of other minerals include titanium, boron, manganese and copper.
Diatomaceous Earth as a Pesticide
Golden Harvest Organics promotes diatomaceous earth as a natural, safe pesticide. In the powder form, the dust retains sharp edges that cut into insects, causing them to dry out. When ingested by insects, the dust shreds the insects internally. Diatomaceous earth can successfully be used as a pesticide for insects including mites, cockroaches, slugs, snails, aphids, ants, bedbugs, fleas and ticks.
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Some forms of diatomaceous earth are safe for use in animal feed. describes its use to kill insects and larvae in the feed, as well as prevent mold growth. Because the method of action for diatomaceous earth as a pesticide does not harm animal cells, it also can be used both on and in animals to kill pest organisms. Externally, diatomaceous earth can be used to kill fleas and ticks. Fed to animals such as dogs, it kills internal parasites such as worms.
Diatomaceous Earth in Pool Filters
Diatomaceous earth that is heated and chemically treated takes on a crystalline form that is used in pool filters. describes the various kinds of filters available for swimming pools and rates diatomaceous earth filters as most efficient. These filters can trap particles as small as 3-5 microns.
Harm to Humans
Golden Harvest Organics states that diatomaceous earth powder used as a pesticide is safe for humans and other organisms. They recommend, however, the use of a dust mask when applying the powder to prevent inhalation. When inhaled, the powder can irritate the mucous membranes, such as the nose and mouth. describes the safe use of diatomaceous earth powder both externally and internally in animals. They do caution that the powder can be drying to the feet and hands of humans and other animals. They further caution that pool grade diatomaceous earth should never be used with animals, as it is poisonous.