Mouse Extermination Tips

According to the Center for Disease Control, mice and other rodents can carry as many as 35 different diseases, making them a major health concern. They can also cause a lot of damage by chewing on furniture, books and wires. Proper sanitation and sealing of small cracks and openings can help deter mice, but it is hard to get every possible entry because a mouse can get through an opening only ¼-inch wide. To determine if you have mice, look for mouse droppings or signs of nests. Dust the area with talcum powder, wait a day and check for any small paw prints in the powder. If you do have mice, you have several removal options.
  1. Snap Traps

    • A snap trap is used to catch a mouse.

      Snap traps are made of wood and have a metal snap bar. They kill instantly if the mouse lands on the trap correctly. Bait a snap trap with peanut butter, bacon, fruit or other substance. Place traps in pairs about 6 to 10 feet apart. Check the traps daily and move them after a couple of days of inactivity.

    Glue Traps

    • A glue trap is a piece of plastic covered with a sticky substance. When a rodent walks on the trap, it gets stuck to the glue. To release a mouse caught on a glue trap, pour a small amount of cooking oil on the trap so the mouse can work its way free. They are considered by some to be inhumane because they don't kill the mouse instantly. Also, a mouse stuck on a glue trap continues to produce urine and feces that may spread disease.

    Live Traps

    • Catch and release a mouse using a live trap.

      Considered the most humane, live traps contain the mouse until the homeowner releases it. These box-like traps have a spring trap door that closes when a rodent enters. The animal is not killed; simply release it away from the house.

    Electronic Traps

    • These traps use an electric plate that kills the mouse when it steps on it. Some of these use batteries and contain sensors that detect the presence of a rodent. They then release a high voltage that kills the rodent instantly.

    Poison Bait

    • The least toxic poison used in baits is an anticoagulant. These traps are considered inhumane because it can take up to five days for the poison to work. That also gives the mouse a chance to hide before it dies, which can lead to an unpleasant odor. Additionally, take care with the use of rodent poisons as they are also toxic to pets and humans.

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