How to Save Energy in the House
Saving Energy
Recognize where energy is being used in your home. Locate all lights, electrical outlets, heating, air conditioning and water usage areas. Once you know where you're using energy, you can know where to conserve energy. Once you've made yourself aware of your energy sources, teach all of the members of your family where they are as well.
Make minimal use of the bathroom. Turn the sink faucet off as you brush your teeth, only using water to rinse your brush. If you take hot showers, make them quick. Heated water uses more energy than cold water, too, so you may even opt to use less hot water in your shower if you want to save even more energy. Check your ice cube machine in your freezer and turn it off if you have enough cubes in supply. To diminish the use of running water after using the bathroom or before eating meals, clean your hands with bottles of hand sanitizer instead of faucet water.
Turn off anything that uses electricity if you're not using it. Most importantly, turn off lights when you leave a room. If you plan on heading out for more than a couple days, you can unplug electronics like computers and entertainment centers to conserve even more energy while you're out. Use candles as a substitution for electric lights. Buy some eco-friendly compact fluorescent light bulbs and use these low-wattage bulbs in all of your lamps. CFL's cost more, but they last longer and use less electricity than bulbs with a higher wattage.