How to Reduce the Green House Effect

The greenhouse effect is the process of the earth's atmosphere capturing greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane. These gasses retain the heat of sunlight and keep the earth's atmosphere warm. Despite what you may think about the greenhouse effect, the planet would be too cold to sustain life without it. However, too many greenhouse gases can have a negative effect on the temperature of the atmosphere. Activities like burning coal and burning gasoline can emit these gases into the air.


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      Purchase energy saving light bulbs like compact florescent light (CFL) bulbs. Replace your existing conventional light bulbs with the new CFLs. These bulbs not only last longer, but because they use less energy, using them generates fewer greenhouse gases.

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      Turn your air conditioning thermostat to a warmer temperature in the summertime or simply turn it off for a few weeks out of the season. Using air conditioning units generates large amounts of greenhouse gases, but shutting the units off for even two weeks out of the summer can exponentially lessen the volume of greenhouse gases their use creates.

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      Maintain a colder heater temperature in your home during winter. Using the furnace generates a surprising amount of greenhouse gases, whether it burns natural gas or runs on electricity.

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      Walk to nearby locations instead of taking your car. Walking can help improve your health and prevent your car from emitting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases when it burns gasoline.

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      Plant a garden with some trees. Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and emit pure oxygen. They are a natural filter for a large portion of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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      Turn off your electrical devices like the television, the stereo and video games when you are not using them. All of these devices use electricity, and coal-burning power plants emit immense amounts of greenhouse gases when they create electricity.

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      Participate in entertaining activities that do not require electrical devices. Go on nature hikes or work with a garden to entertain yourself. Entertaining yourself with outdoor activities reduces your chance of using electrical devices, which lessens the overall greenhouse gas emissions you produce.

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