How to Dispose of Oil Spill Waste
Things You'll Need
- Oil
- Clean plastic container with lid
- Funnel
- Transportation
- Telephone or Internet
- Rags
- Sand
- Broom
Drain your old motor oil back into the original container the oil came in when it was bought or a clean plastic container with a lid. To make sure none of the oil spills, use a long-necked funnel when draining oil into the container. If oil gets on the ground, it could run off into sewer drains and contaminate water.
Store the waste oil in a clean plastic container with a tight lid. Do not use a container that previously held food, beverages or chemicals. For recycling purposes, oil cannot be mixed with anything, especially paint, solvent or antifreeze. Make sure the container is spill-proof. Containers in which the oil was purchased can also be used to store the waste oil.
Clean any areas where there was spillage. If the oil spill was small, spray it with WD-40 and clean it up with a rag. For larger spills, spread sand, kitty litter, sawdust or commercial products designed for absorbing oil over the area and sweep it up hours later with a broom.
Find an oil-collection center such as an automotive store, lube center or service station. Almost every store that sells motor oil will also recycle it for you. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends calling 1-800-CLEANUP or going to to find a location near you.
Bring the oil container to a recycling location. If the oil cannot be taken to the recycling center right away, store it at home in a safe area away from other chemicals, children or pets. Label it as "Used Oil."