Regular Vs. Rechargeable Batteries
Regular batteries are available in oxyride or alkaline, the most common types. Rechargeable batteries come in NiMH, NiCad, rechargeable alkaline, zinc and lithium forms.
Time Frame
Rechargeable batteries are meant to be recharged and used over and over, while regular batteries run out of power and cannot be used again.
There are more brands of regular batteries (many stores have their own brands), and they usually are less expensive than rechargeable ones.
Both single use and rechargeable batteries must be thrown away at some point per the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Some items are more practical than others for use with rechargeable batteries. Digital cameras and cordless phones, for example, need frequent battery replacement, so rechargeable ones are a better option.
Check the labels before you buy rechargeable batteries to see if they are cost-effective. If you are purchasing a rechargeable battery that is three times the price of a regular one but will last only twice as long, it is not worth it.
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