How Can Technology Help Us Go Green?
Thin-film photovoltaics and nanomaterials are changing how solar panels are made. Nanotechnology is making huge changes in the solar industry. New, thin-film and flexible photovoltaic panels are being made possible by the development of nanomaterials. Nanomaterials are particles that may be as thin as 1/1000 of a human hair.
These novel materials are reducing the amount of materials needed to make solar panels, significantly reducing the cost to produce them, while making them lighter and easier to install. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has certified that at least one firm's nanoparticle thin-film photovoltaics is reaching the efficiency levels of silicone-based photovoltaics.
Superconductors and Wind Turbines
New technologies allow wind turbines capable of producing 10 or more megawatts. A great deal of technology has gone into developing the ever-larger, ever-more powerful wind turbines that are helping power homes and cities across the world. As of 2010, a new generation of even more powerful wind turbines, turbines capable of generating up to 10 megawatts or more. This is being made possible by developing high-temperature superconductors (superconductors capable of operating at room temperatures). These new superconductors are being used to reduce the weight and size of the generating units in wind turbines, allowing for much larger generators.
Biofuel technologies are making it possible to turn a number of agricultural products or byproducts into fuel that can be used in cars trucks or electric generators. Technologies have allowed industries to to turn corn, switchgrass and other agricultural products into ethanol fuel, which can power your vehicle. More exciting are algal farms that convert carbon dioxide waste from coal plants or other carbon-emitting sources into a diesel-type fuel or refine them into a sort of green gasoline.
Even as electronics and computer technologies continue to advance, producers are finding new ways to make them use less energy, less heavy metals and other toxins and make their products more recyclable. One of the more famous incidents happened when Apple, Inc., the computer and electronics manufacturer, was criticized by GreenPeace for not making its computers greener. The company responded by eliminating brominated flame retardants, mercury and other toxic materials from their products and boosting their recycling programs.
Degradable Products
New technologies are helping to create new containers that are degradable. This includes degradable chip bags that are being used by Sun Chips, which the company says will break down within 14 weeks of being put in a landfill. The bags are made out of plant materials and can be composted easily. Other food products are also being put in compostable containers made possible by biotechnology.