Home Handicap Stair Safety
Several different safety precautions should be taken when a handicapped person must live in a house with a staircase, or even a few simple steps. Stair lifts are an easy method to employ if a handicapped person must move from one level of a house to another. These lifts strap the person inside a chair and gradually bring her to the top or bottom of the stair. Ramps should be used for the entrance and exit out of a house. Ramps can be installed by any construction contractor, and are an inexpensive safety measure. All stairs or ramps should have rails to help prevent falls and injuries from occurring on the stairs. If you have yet to employ any other safety measures, investing in a sturdy stair guard is a must. These guards prevent the handicapped person from going up or down the stairs alone.
There are many benefits to using safety measures on staircases. They make it easier to help the handicapped person move from one floor to another, while providing peace of mind to the caretaker. With proper safety measures, the handicapped person will not be able to injure or kill himself on a staircase.
Remove Obstacles
In addition to having safety features in place, take certain precautions. Always make sure that all obstacles are away from stairs at all times. This includes toys, books, pillows and trash items. If the person is severely handicapped, you may want to consider the addition of an elevator to the home, to prevent possible injury.
It is important to install the correct safety measures for the handicapped person who will be using the stairs. Someone who is wheelchair bound will likely need a chair lift and safety rails across the staircase to prevent falls. Someone who is handicapped in another way, such as mentally challenged, but sound in body, will need completely different safety measures. This person will need safety rails across the top and bottom of the stairs, as well as rails on both sides of the staircase to help with climbing the stairs safely when under supervision.
The right safety precautions can make a lot of difference in the quality of life for the handicapped person and for the caretaker. Any handicapped person should have all safety measures in place to prevent stair accidents. If you are unsure of what measures to implement, consult with a doctor or physical therapist.