How to Conserve Water to Help Save the Earth

Water is necessary in order to help preserve the diverse organisms and ecosystems on the Earth. At times, you may not realize that you are wasting water. For example, if you leave the water running when you are not using it, or if you pour waste into a natural body of water, then this available supply of water is being wasted. Water conservation refers to the process by which water is utilized for a direct and efficient purpose, rather than wastefully or in excess. In times of drought, or a prolonged period of dryness, water conservation is especially crucial. If you conserve water, you can help to save the Earth by sustaining life, and preserving the areas of the environment that would in turn be used to develop water-related infrastructure. You can conserve water to help save the Earth by making an effort to use water only when you need it, and only in the designated amount for the endeavor.

Things You'll Need

  • Poster paper
  • Markers
  • Pamphlets
  • Mulch
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      Do not leave the water running when you are not using it. One of the most effective ways to conserve water to help save the Earth is to not waste water. When you are washing your hands, only turn the water on to rinse your hands. When you wash the dishes, do not leave the water on as you are drying them. Also, the water does not need to be on the entire time that you brush your teeth. Sometimes, making such simple adjustments are the perfect first steps to take to help make a difference.

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      Do not dispose of waste in or near bodies of water. You can conserve water to help save the Earth by making sure that the water of the natural environment remains clean. Organisms that live in the water cannot withstand polluted conditions. For example, when the pH of the water is altered because of acidic pollution, the metabolic processes of the animals cannot continue properly. Also, humans use the water within the environment to survive. Therefore, it is important to make sure that this water does not become contaminated. By disposing of waste in the designated receptacle, you can help to conserve the water by not polluting it.

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      Put mulch on the soil. You can help to conserve water to help save the Earth by spreading mulch on the soil. Mulch is composed of wood chips, twigs, stones and other plant material. It works to retain the moisture of the soil. By placing mulch on the soil, you will not have to water the yard as frequently. Also, the plant material will be provided with nutrients from the mulch.

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      Use water for more than one purpose. For example, after you soak beans, use the left over water to water the plants. The plants will benefit from the nutrients of the water, and you will help to conserve the water by not dumping it down the sink.

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      Spread your ideas about water conservation to others. You can conserve water to help save the Earth by encouraging others to do the same. In order to make your ideas known, make pamphlets and posters regarding the topic of water conservation. On the posters, state the importance of water conservation, and simple ways in which this can be achieved. Within the pamphlets, provide more detail about why water conservation is necessary, the ways to conserve water, and how these measures will help to save the Earth. You can display your posters and hand out the pamphlets at a local area such as the grocery store, after receiving permission from the manager.

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