Conservation Poster Ideas
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
These three R's are tremendously important when it comes to conservation efforts. By reducing, reusing and recycling humans can help turn the tide of environmental destruction. Enlighten viewers of your poster on the importance of these key principles by creating a reduce, reuse, recycle poster, or set of posters that convey these messages. To create this poster, divide your poster board in three columns, labeling one "Reduce", one "Reuse" and one "Recycle". Under each heading, explain what it means to do the listed thing, then pair that explanation with a picture. For example, in the reduce column, you could write that walking to school reduces the amount of fossil fuel you use, then draw a picture of an individual walking to school instead of getting a ride.
To make your poster even more attention getting, create a series of three posters instead of just one. Dedicate a full poster board to each one of the three R's to ensure that your message is clearly communicated.
Mother Earth Personified
Mother Earth is a figurative representation of our planet. Many people refer to this imaginary Earth presence when talking about conservation efforts. Help others understand that our planet, like a human being, is a living thing that must be protected. In the center of your poster, create an outline of the Earth, then turn the Earth from a dead rock to a living thing by adding a face and other human like characteristics. Add positive features to the Earth, like lush rainforest, as well as negative, like smog producing factories. Create a speech bubble coming out of Mother Earth's mouth, and add a message from her to your poster. People may be more likely to listen to cries for conservation and responsible Earth citizenship if they are coming directly from the mouth of Mother Earth herself.
How Much Waste Do You Produce?
Many of us go about our daily lives giving little thought to how much waste we produce or how much energy we use. Science has shown that humans can leave a tremendous carbon footprint, if they do not put efforts into reducing the resources they use. Allow viewers of your poster to see how much of an impact one person can have on the world by creating a "How Much Waste Do You Produce?" poster. Visit the Green Progress website, listed in the resources section, to complete a carbon footprint calculation. On this website, you are asked questions about your resource use and, upon answering them, presented with a detailed report of your energy and resource usage. Fill out this information for yourself, or a fictitious person, and transfer the information from the report you receive to an attention-getting poster so that all can see the impact that one individual can have on our planet.