Harmful Styrofoam Effects
Health Hazard
The various components of Styrofoam are known to cause health problems. Styrene, for instance, is a common concern with Styrofoam food containers where it is released into food when it is heated and could have toxic effects when consumed. Dr. Weil of the Weil Foundation states that no major problems have been scientifically linked with small exposure. However, people who are constantly exposed to Styrene in large quantities are known to exhibit skin and eye irritation, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, fatigue or problems with kidney functions.
Air Pollution
Particle components that are used to create or make up Styrofoam contribute to air pollution. For instance, pentane is used as a blowing agent to create the foam-like structure of Styrofoam. During the blowing process, pentane is dispersed into the air where it contributes to smog. Also, millions of tons of Styrofoam are incinerated annually because of the difficulty of disposing or recycling it. The incinerated material ends up as airborne toxic ash.
Hazard to Animals
Most Styrofoam ends up in landfills since it is not cost efficient to recycle it. It is non-biodegradable so it remains there where it is often broken into smaller pieces and naturally dispersed away from the landfills. Animals often mistaken these smaller fragments as food and choke or clog their digestive systems as a result of trying to consume it.
Economical Factors
According to the Earth Resource Foundation, $350,000 is spent annually to clean up litter in Orange County, California and approximately 25 percent of that is Styrofoam. Nationally, millions of dollars are spent to address this problem not only regarding litter but also wildlife management, pollution countermeasures and health care bills.