What Problems Do Fossil Fuels Cause?
Price Hikes
Because fossil fuels are nonrenewable, the price for oil, coal and other natural resources will naturally rise throughout time as supplies begin to dwindle. Making things worse, particularly for Americans, is that the countries with the largest supplies of certain fossil fuels--such as petroleum-- are countries with whom we have tenuous relationships because of our war on terror. Some critics have pointed out that this leads to a conflict of interest. According to Renewable Energy Trust, a website devoted to the conservation of fossil fuels, estimates in 2003 show our traditional energy sources are being depleted. For example, current oil supplies around the world will only last until 2041, barring new discoveries. This statistic alone highlights the need to find alternative energies.
Greenhouse Gases
When fossil fuels are combusted, such as in large-scale factories or even under the hood of the average automobile, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. While these gases occur naturally in the Earth's atmosphere, the rise of industrialization has contributed to a rise in these gases. This directly leads to what scientists call the "greenhouse effect," and what has popularly become known as global warming. This happens because the greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat from the sun's rays as they travel back from the Earth's surface. Rather than letting them pass through into space, these rays are bounced back into the atmosphere. Under normal conditions, this is what keeps the Earth at a stable, livable temperature, but when added gases from fossil fuel combustion join the natural gases in the atmosphere, it can cause rising temperatures.
Land and Water Pollution
The extraction of fossil fuels from the ground can take a devastating toll on the environment by itself. Because many fossil fuels are found beneath the groundwater supply, the extraction process often breaks the barrier between the two layers. This can lead to the groundwater becoming contaminated with the fossil fuels. Additionally, extraction typically calls for a significant amount of development and industrialization in areas that are often a haven for wildlife. This type of sudden disruption can wreak havoc on the natural ecosystem. Finally, oil spills over the years have created long-term damage in a number of lakes and oceans.