How to Determine If Packaging Materials Are Biodegradable

The world in which we live is filled with all sorts of non-biodegradable substances. One of those has been packing materials, until now. Many companies that send out a lot of consumer and commercial goods are changing the type of packaging that they are using. Plastics and Styrofoam are being replaced with corn- and soy-based substances that biodegrade and cause no health problems when dumped in a landfill.

Things You'll Need

  • Packing material--plastics or peanuts
  • Bucket of warm water
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    • 1

      Fill up a bucket with warm water.

    • 2

      Gather up some packing material. With peanuts you will only need a handful or so, and you can cut a one inch by one inch piece of plastic.

    • 3

      Place all of this material into the bucket with warm water, and make sure it is submerged and covered.

    • 4

      Swish the packing material around with your fingers, and if the material is biodegradable, you will notice something begin to happen. The peanuts will start to dissolve right before your eyes, and the plastic will literally begin to wilt and lose rigidity.

    • 5

      Leave the packing material in the bucket of water overnight and observe what has taken place by the next day. If the peanuts are still there or the plastic is still rigid, it is not biodegradable.

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