How to Keep PH at Good Levels in Streams
Things You'll Need
- pH strips
Test the pH value of the stream. One of the most effective ways to keep the pH at good levels in streams is to regularly test the pH value and make sure that it is in the range from 6.5 to 8.2. You can test the pH of the stream by using pH strips. By dipping the strip in the stream, the strip will turn a different color. Each color is indicative of a different approximate pH value. The meanings of the colors are listed on the package of pH strips. By using this method in order to obtain a pH value, you will obtain a clearer idea of how well the stream is functioning. If the pH values are in the proper range, then you can work to maintain this. However, if the pH values are not in the proper range, then you will need to further investigate as to the origin of the problem.
Remove excess algal growth. A normal amount of algal growth within a stream will not significantly affect the pH level. However, an overabundance of algal growth will. When algae perform photosynthesis, they decrease the carbon dioxide levels within the stream. This will in turn raise the pH level, consequently causing harm to the other organisms. You can keep the pH at good levels in streams by constantly monitoring the amount of algal growth.
Eliminate pollution from entering the stream. One of the most basic ways you can keep the pH at good levels in streams is by not polluting the stream. Dumping garbage and waste into streams not only restricts the physical space that the organisms reside in, but it also has the potential to alter the pH levels. Depending on the type of waste added to the stream, it can either significantly lower or raise the pH level. Therefore, throw your garbage in the proper location, and discourage others from putting their waste in the stream.
Eliminate any air contamination near the stream. Air pollution can also affect the pH levels of the stream. Auto emissions are a prime example of air pollution. Depending on the location, some streams may be more prone to air pollution. One of the ways to keep the pH at good levels in streams is to drive less frequently near the stream, and warn others of the consequences of air pollution and the health of the organisms in the stream.
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