Facts on Vegetable Based Dish Soap
Characteristic Ingredients
Vegetable-based dish soap is made primarily of vegetable oils and water. Unlike conventional dish soaps, vegetable-based dish soap lacks toxic ingredients such as chlorine and phosphates.
Vegetable-based dish soaps come in powder, liquid and tablet forms, or you can make your own. They are available for hand-washing as well as automatic dishwashers.
Environmental Benefits
This detergent is biodegradable and will not harm wildlife near or in the water it works its way into.
Human Effects
Vegetable-based dish detergent leaves no toxic residue behind on the dishes it cleans, lessening your overall chemical exposure.
Vegetable-based dish soaps may not work as quickly and easily as conventional dish soaps because they lack the chemical ingredients that make conventional soaps work so quickly. Almost any vegetable-based soap requires a little more cleaning effort from the user.