How to Clean Room Air
Open windows or doors if the weather permits. This will being fresh air into the room to reduce the pollutants that are inside.
Use an exhaust fan in the bathroom when showering to prevent toxic mold growth. Also, use a kitchen fan when cooking.
Clean or change your heater and air conditioner filter regularly. The filter traps pollutants, such as dust.
Check the humidity level in your home with a household humidity gauge or moisture gauge. The room humidity should be somewhere between 30 percent and 50 percent. Use a humidifier or vaporizer to increase humidity, and open doors and windows to decrease humidity. If it is warm outside and you need to decrease humidity, then you should not open the windows. Instead, try using the air conditioner.
Purchase and use an indoor air cleaner, such an as air purifier. These have filters that trap air pollutants.
Obtain some indoor house plants to clean your air. According to Plant Care, spider plants, golden pothos, chrysanthemums and the gerbera daisy are all effective at cleansing indoor air.