The Best Way to Purify Water
Boil water to kill bacteria and microorganisms. Water can be contaminated by organisms, bacteria, and microscopic pests that can cause intestinal problems and disease. Boiling is the best way to get rid of these contaminants. Boil the water at 160 degrees for 30 minutes. This is a good method to use if you are camping or if there is a problem with your local water system.
Disinfect your water with chemicals. If boiling water is not an option or is inconvenient, you can use iodine or chlorine to disinfect your water. Iodine is one of the oldest additives used to purify water and can kill pathogens. Iodine tablets dissolve in 10 minutes in warm water or 30 minutes in cold water. Household chlorine also can be used to purify water. Use a high-quality household bleach and an eyedropper. Add eight drops of bleach to a gallon of water. Stir and let sit for 30 minutes. This 100-year-old technique is still used to stop outbreaks of cholera and typhus. It is especially valuable for flood and emergency situations.
Boil water and collect the vapor. This process is called distillation and is one of the oldest methods of decontamination as well. Heat is used to vaporize the water, the vapor is collected, and then the vapor condenses back into water that is free of minerals, chemicals, and other impurities. Some argue that this is the only form of pure water, while others say distilled water still contains some impurities. You can distill water at home or purchase distilled water.
Buy a home-filtering system, but note that some are more effective than others. Filtering systems use a layer of porous material to strain out organisms and other contaminants. They are chemical-free but won't remove all impurities.
Contact the Environmental Protection Agency to find information about the quality of water in your area. This will help you to decide on the best methods for purifying your water.