The Advantages of Passive Solar Energy
Passive solar energy systems harness the energy of the sun without the use of mechanical devices such as solar panels. Passive solar heating, for example, is achieved by orienting windows to allow heat from the sun to heat a room or building. Passive cooling is accomplished by maximizing airflow through the home and utilizing trees for shade. Both passive heating and cooling are enhanced by the use of proper home insulation. Passive lighting, which lights rooms entirely by sunlight, is accomplished with large windows and skylights.-
Passive solar energy systems can often be implemented at little or no financial cost by utilizing existing windows and sources of shade. Because there is no additional equipment, such as solar panels and power converters, are necessary, the homeowner is spared the expense of these devices.
Environmental Impact
Even though active solar energy systems produce clean energy, their manufacture still relies on more prominent existing power sources like coal or nuclear to power their production plants, and petroleum is necessary as a raw material, with which many of their components are made. The metals in solar panels require mining, which can have severe impact on ecosystems surrounding the mines. In passive systems, where none of these materials are needed, true carbon neutrality is achieved.
Because there are no mechanical components to passive solar energy systems, there are no parts to wear or break down over time. In contrast, the components of active solar energy systems can be expensive to replace.