The Effects of Nitrogen Gas on Health
Health Hazards
As an inert gas, the only serious health hazard gaseous nitrogen presents is as an asphyxiant. When nitrogen concentrations are high enough to reduce the available oxygen below 19.5 percent, the concentration can cause rapid suffocation. Oxygen levels below 10 percent can cause sudden unconsciousness. An oxygen deficiency produces dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, irritability and disorientation. If the situation is not remedied quickly, it can be fatal.
Administer oxygen if possible. The most immediate concern is to get the individual to a source of fresh air. If the individual is not breathing, artificial respiration should be used immediately. If oxygen is available it should be administered. After breathing fresh air and/or having oxygen administered, the subject should recover fairly quickly. An examination by a physician is advisable in order to discover any complications or other secondary causes.
Health Effects of Nitrogen in Other Forms
In combination with oxygen, nitrogen forms nitric oxide, which is important to our immune system, nervous system and cardio-vascular systems. It also contributes to male erections through relaxation of the muscle that controls blood flow to the penis. Erectile dysfunction medications work in part by releasing nitric oxide. The enzyme that produces nitric oxide, a nitric oxide synthase, is found in abundance in the brain.
Nitrates and nitrites, ions made up of nitrogen and oxygen, can decrease the amount of oxygen in the blood, interfere with thyroid gland function and cause a deficiency of vitamin A. They also form nitro amines which are a leading cause of cancer.