Life Cycle of Styrofoam
Styrofoam is manufactured from benzene (a clear, pleasant-smelling liquid), styrene (an oily liquid) and ethylene (a gas that, at low temperatures, turns into a liquid).
Benzene is extracted from coal, styrene is naturally present in many foods and ethylene is present in almost all plants.
Styrofoam is a hard plastic until it is injected with ethylene, a blowing agent, which fills it with tiny air pockets. Previously, manufacturers used CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) as a blowing agent, which was a major contributor to global warming.
Styrofoam is a common material, used for food containers, packaging materials and insulation. As people eat food packaged in Styrofoam, styrene can leach into their systems and collect in the fatty tissue.
When people throw away Styrofoam, most of it ends up in landfills, where it makes up more than a quarter of our trash. Only a few companies recycle Styrofoam into new materials. If waste-management plants incinerate Styrofoam to make room for more trash, they release hazardous chemicals into the air.