Wind Turbine Dangers
Turbine Failure
Perhaps the most notable danger of wind turbines is the potential for malfunctions and total failure. A New York Times article reported that turbines may be shipped out with an inadequate amount of testing. Wind turbines are designed to spin to generate electricity, but they are often not designed to handle winds above a certain speed. If a region with wind turbines experiences uncharacteristically high winds, it can potentially cause damage to a turbine, and it might even cause it to physically break up as it spins faster and faster. Blade failures have been observed that have sent large pieces of metal flying at high speeds, which could easily be fatal to anyone in the way.
Wind turbines can present a danger to airborne wildlife populations. Birds and other flying animals can potentially be struck by the blades of wind turbines as they fly. While large single turbines present minimal risk, wind farms consisting of many smaller turbines can present a greater danger. The American Wind Energy Association suggests that the danger wind turbines present to birds and bats is no greater than other tall manmade objects such as radio towers and power lines and buildings.
Sensory Effects
Wind turbines can potentially have a negative effect on the aesthetics of a natural landscape. Some critics claim that wind farms detract from the natural beauty of the non-industrialized areas where wind farms are typically constructed. Wind turbines can also produce noise that can be a distraction or annoyance, although the American Wind Energy Association states that noise issues are not as much of an issue with newer turbines.
Environmental Impact
While wind turbines are considered a form of "green energy" meaning it is environmentally friendly and renewable, turbines can have a negative environmental impact. The installation of turbines requires hauling materials with large vehicles which uses fossil fuels and can strain the environment surrounding the turbine or wind farm. According the New York times article, malfunctions of wind turbines have led to more maintenance than might have been initially planned; each extra trip and replacement part used to maintain turbines amounts to more energy use and a larger impact on the environment.