How to Recycle for Cash
Sell your used aluminum cans for some silver. This can only be done in some states, but if you are lucky enough to live in one of those states you can get paid to recycle your aluminum cans. Usually the pay is between $.05 and $.10 per can.
Another way to recycle for cash is to sell some of your stuff on Ebay. If you are thinking about throwing something away, check to see if it is demand on Ebay first. You never know what people will be looking for.
Do you have older electronics to recycle for cash? If you own older electronic equipment, or gadgets, you may be able to recycle for money by sending your stuff to a company called Gazelle (you can find a link in the resources section). Basically they will take your old computers, phones, video game systems, and much more while providing you decent compensation. They also pay for shipping costs.
Give some of your stuff to Goodwill or another charitable organization. You won't see any immediate cash for this but you can write it off on your tax return. Now who doesn't like that?
You can sell old cloth on Etsy. Etsy is a website for people to sell their handmade products. Many times you could sell old cloth on Etsy and someone will make something out of it. For instance, if you bought new curtains, you could sell your old ones on Etsy.