List of Energy-Saving Products
Light Bulbs
Replace incandescent light bulbs in your home or business with compact fluorescent light bulbs. According to the California Energy Commission, these bulbs use one-fourth of the energy of regular bulbs and last for years with the same intensity.
Power Strips
Plug electronics that don't have to be on constantly into a surge protector or control strip. Turn the strip switch off when no items are being used. Computer modems, charging cell phones and other electronics are constantly using electricity if plugged in.
Ceiling Fans
Install ceiling fans in your home. The commission reveals that air conditioners burn much more energy and that fans cool a home to lessen air-conditioning usage
Caulk or Weatherstripping
Check the windows, doors and exterior walls of your home or business for openings, cracks or leaks. Money and energy is saved on electricity bills if these imperfections are filled with caulk, sealant or weatherstripping.
Use a microwave to defrost, heat up or cook small items. According to the commission, conventional ovens use 50 percent more energy than microwave ovens.
Install a programmable thermostat in your home or business. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates a 10 percent savings on a year's worth of heating and air conditioning bills if thermostat temperatures are cut 10 to 15 percent for at least eight hours each day. Set the temperature to automatically raise or lower at different times of the day, or set it to come on a half hour before everyone comes home.
Purchase home appliances or office equipment with the Energy Star logo or label. This verifies that they meet strict federal guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency.
Washing Machine
Buy a front-loading washing machine. The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors reports that these washing machines run with 50 percent less electricity and use one-third less water than other washing machines. The more thorough rinse cycle also contributes to less electricity usage for the dryer.
Install metal or cement tile roofs. These are more efficient at reflecting sunlight and preventing hot air from entering the home.
Check with a qualified contractor to make sure your home (attic, basement, walls, ceilings, floors, crawl spaces and air ducts) is properly insulated. Efficient insulation keeps your home at a comfortable temperature.
Install energy-efficient windows on your home or office building. Double-pane windows reduce the amount of heat lost during cold winter months and prevent heat from entering in warmer weather. Choose window types that provide energy benefits specific to your climate.
Solar Power
Install solar panels on your home. This transforms sunlight into electricity, reduces home electricity bills and reduces electricity usage from power plants. Solar-powered outdoor lighting will eliminate even more electricity use.