The Effect of Phosphates on Aquatic Plants
Phosphate Sources
Phosphates can come from detergents and organic pesticides that run off into the water. Phosphorus also comes from the erosion of natural rock.
Limiting Nutrient
Because phosphorus may represent the single nutrient that limits the growth of aquatic plants, most areas in the US ban phosphorus-containing detergents, according to the MadSci Network.
Excessive Growth
When aquatic plants multiply excessively, they consume large amounts of oxygen in the water and can clog waterways.
More plants also means an increase in dead vegetation. The organic decay also consumes dissolved oxygen and can harm other aquatic life, such as fish.
Ideal Concentrations
Healthy phosphate levels in water range from 0.04 to 0.21 mg per L depending on factors such as the local rock substrate, according to Sewanee University.