Creative Ways to Go Green
Avoid plastic plates and utensils. These may be convenient but they are not biodegradable, which means they may in up in the landfill during your great grandchild's lifetime. Instead, stock your cupboards with reusable items that you can pass down to your children.
Clean with green products. You can opt to purchase the store brand items or make your own. A cup of vinegar, 25 drops of your favor essential oil, and one cup of rubbing alcohol added to a gallon of water, makes a natural cleaner that you can use throughout your home.
Eat fewer animal products. No one is suggesting that you give up meat completely (at least at first). But if each person decreased the amount of meat he consumed, it would result in fewer chemicals and antibiotics given to animals that end up in the soil and water.
Read the newspaper online. Releasing the paper chain may be difficult for many who haven't embraced the idea of drinking their morning coffee and reading a computer instead of a newspaper. But, just by making this small step you can make a difference in many different areas---from saving trees to decreases the chemicals needed to produce the paper and ultimately released in the air we breathe.
Reuse your grocery bags. This is a small step with a huge impact. You may even save money. Whole Foods gives 10¢ back for each reusable bag that you bring in.
Turn off the water while washing dishes. This is not only wasteful but you are increasing your water bill. Fill one side of the sink with clean water and the other with water, detergent, and dishes. As you clean, rinse your dishes in the clean water to save from having the water running continuously.
Install an irrigation system for your landscape. A drip irrigation system can help keep your lawn healthy and help you save water. According to the EPA a water hose that's left unattended is wasting an average of 9, 000 gallons of water a day.