What Are Some Ways to Stop Smog?
Walk or Bike
Since cars are one of the main causes of smog, one way to eliminate the problem is to stop driving everywhere. Try walking or riding a bike. This not only helps the ozone layer and the atmosphere, but also increases health by creating opportunities to exercise. If a person's destination is not too far away, this is a wonderful option.
Alternate Transportation
Sometimes smog cannot be eliminated altogether, but it can be reduced with less driving. Taking public transportation is one way to reduce the number of cars on the road. Buses, subways and other transportation systems allow many people to ride at the same time. Carpooling is another viable option.
Educate Others
Nothing is going to change until people are aware of the problems smog creates. By informing neighbors and friends about the effects of smog, you will encourage more people to take the initiative and decrease their reliance on personal cars. Furthermore, contacting government leaders and encouraging them to enact laws to govern the use and emission standards of cars will help to solve the problem.
Smog Checks
It is important to make sure individual cars are environmentally safe. There are many places that will check cars to see if they are emitting dangerous pollutants. This may not be mandatory in all places, but will surely help decrease smog and stop air pollution.