Black Mold & Bleach Spraying
Black mold is actually a greenish black color and tends to grow on material with a low nitrogen content, such as drywall board and fiberboard.
Black mold requires constant moisture for growth and tends to grow in ceilings and walls that have suffered from water leaks or flooding. Dripping pipes and excessive humidity can also encourage mold growth.
When cleaning black mold, it's important to take precautions to avoid inhaling particles. You should always wear a mask, as well as gloves and eye protection.
Cleaning Solution
To destroy black mold, you can use a solution of 10 percent bleach and 90 percent water. Spray the solution on walls and porous surfaces and allow to dry. On nonporous surfaces, spray the solution, then wipe it off completely.
To prevent a recurrence of black mold, use paints that contain mold inhibitors; a dehumidifier during humid times; and an exhaust fan in high humidity areas like bathrooms and laundry rooms. You should also weatherize your house and stop any pipe leaks.