Chinese Gypsum Symptoms
- explains that gypsum is a mineral made of calcium sulfate and water. It's also called hydrous calcium sulfate. Gypsum is naturally fire-resistant and commonly used in drywall.
The Problem
Chinese-made gypsum drywall is thought to emit sulfurous gases, which produce an unpleasant smell and corrode copper coils and electrical and plumbing components, according to "USA Today."
Jack Snider, president of American Management Resources Corp., told "USA Today" that up to 1,000 homes in the southern part of Florida may be affected by the Chinese drywall. The drywall has also been sold in Alabama, Virginia, Louisiana and California.
Health Symptoms
According to an October 2009 report by the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission, those exposed to Chinese gypsum drywall have experienced persistent cough, bloody and runny noses, headaches, difficulty breathing and irritated and itchy eyes and skin.
Household Symptoms
Effects on homes include corroded air-conditioning and refrigerator coils, microwaves, computer wiring, faucets and copper tubing, according to "USA Today."