Is Fungus Created From Moisture?
Fungus are microorganisms that possess a nucleus, but are unable to produce their own food. They have filament branches and yeast-fruiting bodies that hold spores with which they reproduce. Fungus exist in three main forms as saprobes, parasites and symbiosts.
Saprobes live by deriving food from dead and decaying organic matter found in a moist environment. These fungi break down matter into basic components that form rich soil and nutrients that plants use to produce food. Decomposition of leaves is an example of fungal saprobes at work.
Parasites derive their food from the cells of living organisms in a moist, warm habitat. Ringworm, athlete's foot and yeast infections are examples of fungal parasites that prey on human beings. Dutch Elm disease is an example of a parasitic fungus that preys on elm trees.
Lichens are fungus and algae working together in a moist environment for the benefit of both. This is an example of fungal symbiosis.
Fungal Benefits
If moisture, warmth and organic matter did not cause leaves and other organic matter to decompose and develop humus, we would be unable to produce the food we eat. We eat mushrooms, blue cheese and yeast rolls, which are all foods that come from fungi. Penicillin, an antibiotic, is also a fungus.
Fungal Detriments
Too much moisture in buildings promotes the growth of mold and mildew. This kind of infestation causes people to become ill with ailments like asthma, and other allergies. Fungi destroy the building's structure by consuming the wood, drywall and other organic matter that is their source of food.