How to Measure the EMF From Power Lines
Things You'll Need
- AC Gaussmeter (aka EMF detector)
Turn on your hand-held gaussmeter. If your device lets you choose which frequencies to pass, set the "bandpass" range to "60 Hz." Basically, the EMFs emitted by power lines all have frequencies of either 60 Hz or some harmonic thereof.
Point the gaussmeter sensor directly toward the power lines. Try to point the sensor such that its line of sight is horizontally perpendicular with the power lines' path.
Push the gaussmeter's trigger.
Look at the EMF reading and stand still until its levels stop fluctuating.
Slowly turn the sensor, scanning it back and forth along the length of the power lines. Check for reading fluctuations. If the readings increase in a certain direction, pause to see if the fluctuations level out at this higher value. If the readings decrease while the meter is pointed in a certain direction, continue moving the sensor.
Record the highest, steady EMF reading you observed. This is the "official" EMF reading for your nearby power lines.