How to Avoid Stain Repellent Clothing
Read the label on any garment that you purchase. Clothing treated with PFCs will be noted as being made with "stain resistant" or "stain repellent" fabric. You will typically find these in higher-end department stores and designer clothing.
Avoid any clothing marked as having a Scotchguard or Teflon treatment.
Call or email the manufacturer, and ask if they use PFCs in their stain treatment of clothing, if an item you own or are given is not marked. If you get someone on the line who is not knowledgeable, ask to speak to a manager or supervisor who can get you the information.
Write a clothing manufacturer or designer and urge them not to use PFCs in the treatment of their clothing, especially since these group of chemicals has come under extreme scrutiny by the EPA for its health hazards.