How to Calculate Your Carbon Foot Print
Choose an online carbon foot print calculator. Free carbon foot print calculators are available at websites such as the Nature Conservancy and Carbon Fund websites (see Resources).
Pick a carbon foot print calculator website and visit it, such as the Nature Conservancy carbon foot print calculator. Select the number of people in your household if you want to calculate the entire family's carbon foot print.
Input information for your home energy use. This calculates the amount of home energy you use as part of your carbon foot print. Click "Continue."
Move on to the "Driving and Flying" section of the calculator. Give the details of your normal driving habits as well as any flights that you have taken in the past year. Click "Continue."
Select the appropriate responses on the "Food and Diet" tab. You are given an estimated impact and then asked two additional questions. Click "Continue."
Answer the questions on the "Recycling" tab about your recycling habits. Click "Continue" to be taken to the results tab. This will show your carbon foot print based on your answers.