How to Report Mold in Apartment Complexes
Things You'll Need
- Paper and pen or a computer with a printer
- Lease agreement
Compose a letter to your landlord to ask for repair of the mold situation, and explain where you have seen mold. Include information about leaking pipes and any other possible causes of moisture.
Look at your lease agreement to locate contact information for the property management company that owns your complex and employs your apartment manager or landlord.
Copy or rewrite the letter so that you have four copies of the same letter.
Place three of the copies into envelopes and send one each to your landlord or apartment manager, the company that owns the building, and your local health department. Keep the fourth copy for your own records.
Cooperate with any requests from all three parties to help and resolve the matter. The letter that was sent to the health department will serve as an official report of mold in the building, and the health department will follow-up on the situation to be sure it is handled properly.