How Can I Get a Free Air Sample Test?
Free Air Test from Your Local Health Department
Call your local health department to discuss the nature of the air sample you want tested and why you think it should be tested. The more information you have, the easier it will be to decide on who can conduct the test. Make a list of the things you know about your air problem. What do you think it is? Describe the odor. When did you first smell it? What effect(s) do you think it is causing? Ask the health department to check out your problem. If it cannot help you directly, ask it to intercede for you with other agencies that may be able to assist you. Specifically, the state health department, and key federal agencies such as the EPA, NIOSH and OSHA perform air tests without charge to the public.
Free Air Tests from Gas Companies
Gas companies will provide free air tests to locate leaks. Leaks not only cost the company money but present a danger from fire and explosion. The gas is odorless. What you smell is a trace amount of a concentrated odor added to the gas such as methyl mercaptan. It is used as a leak indicator that can be readily detected by one's sense of smell.