How to Test for Asbestos in the Ceiling
If you aren't sure whether your ceiling contains asbestos, treat it as if it does. Don't work on the the ceiling or start a project that might disturb asbestos fibers. Typically, you can't tell by looking whether asbestos is present in your ceiling, unless it is labeled as such. So if you are not sure, treat it as if it contains asbestos.
Leave the ceiling alone if it is in good condition and doesn't require work or remodeling. According to the EPA, materials in good condition don't release asbestos. Check the ceiling regularly (without touching it) for wear or damage, including water damage. Damaged materials can release asbestos fibers.
Limit access to the area underneath a damaged ceiling where you suspect there is asbestos. Don't touch, hit or rub the ceiling, because that could expose any asbestos.
Call or visit your regional environmental or health office to obtain a list of asbestos professionals in your area. Professional asbestos inspectors are trained in handling asbestos material and certified by your state to test for asbestos. According to the EPA, if done incorrectly, testing for asbestos can be more hazardous than leaving the material alone.
Hire a professional asbestos inspector to safely take a sample from your ceiling and takes it to a lab to test it for asbestos fibers using a special microscope.