Centrifugal Sewage Pump Types
Although the term "centrifugal pump" accurately describes all pumps that contain rotating impellers, centrifugal pumps are generally associated with radial flow type of pumps. An impeller is what the pump motor spins, and it is responsible for increasing the speed and flow of the fluid. In the 1880s, a Milwaukee company devised a centrifugal sewage pump to handle their growing sewage problem. The impeller was 12 feet long and the pump's capacity was 70 million gallons a day.
Radial flow, axial flow, mixed flow and ejector are among the types of centrifugal pumps. The differences are based on the particular methods involved in pumping and extracting fluids. For example, radial flow involves accelerating the sewage at a high pressure, while ejectors use a jet stream to create a low pressure. This ultimately results in continuous pumping activity in the suction line. Axial flow type pumps involve lifting fluids and the mixed flow pump is a combination of the radial and axial method.
Centrifugal sewage pumps are regulated by definitive standards and specifications for how they should operate. A factor typically addressed is how effective the pump operates when sewage reaches the intersection of the pump's curve. This is a crucial element since the pump curve is where clogs are prone to develop
Of the different types of centrifugal sewage pumps, the axial-flow propeller is one of the most commonly used. The axial-flow centrifugal sewage pump functions in a similar manner as a propeller. The action of the impeller causes the sewage to be lifted so it can exit along a path parallel to the rotating shaft. This pump is relatively simple but effective. The single-stage slow-speed axial flow centrifugal sewage pump operates at approximately 1,150 rpm. It can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.
There is a major difference in centrifugal sewage pumps and pumps that only accommodate clear fluids. The sewage type pumps are designed to screen and remove large solid waste. Some have grinders to cut the pieces down so they can pass through the pump opening easily. The impeller plays such an important role in this that a patent was filed on June 13, 2003, for a two-impeller pump. Centrifugal sewage pumps can be powered by electric motor, or internal-combustion engines.