Explanation of the Recycle Symbol
The original recycling logo appeared in 1970. It was created by Gary Anderson as part of a design contest sponsored by the Container Corporation of America.
The Basic Logo
The basic recycling logo is referred to as the “three chasing arrows” representing a Mobius loop. Each arrow represents a step in the recycling process: collection, manufacturing, and purchase of recycled materials hence closing the loop.
The three arrows either printed in solid black or with a black outline indicate the product on which they appear can be recycled. Occasionally the phrase “This product can be recycled” will also appear.
Plastic Recycling Logo
Recyclable plastics include numerals inside the three arrows that indicate the type of plastic the product contains. Those with designations of “1” and “2” are the most readily recycled.
Recycled Materials
When a product has been made with recycled material, the logo is represented differently. The three chasing arrows will be white inside a solid black circle. In some instances, the percentage of recycled material contained in the product will be depicted in the center of the arrows. For example, “20%” appearing inside the logo means that 20 percent of the package was made with recycled material. The actual percentage of post-consumer waste may also be printed on the label.