How to Drown Out Train Whistles at Night
Purchase a machine that makes white noise. Air filters are ideal for this purpose, and you'll have clean air as well as a good night's sleep. Window air conditioning units also are effective at muffling the noise of train whistles, especially if they are installed on the wall facing the direction of the train tracks.
Wear ear plugs at night. Ear plugs can drown out the sound of the whistle enough so that you can get a good night's sleep. Purchase a pair of ear plugs that are made for heavy industrial use.
Insulate your bedroom against the sound by hanging heavy blinds and curtains on your windows, and carpeting your floor. If the train whistle is an extreme problem, you can even insulate your walls with acoustic foam panels.
Install functional outdoor shutters on your windows, and keep them shut at night to provide additional insulation between the train whistle and you.
Build a fence as a barrier between the train tracks and your bedroom. Build the fence high and do not leave spaces between the boards. This will not solve the problem entirely, but it will take the edge off some of the noise.
Plant a line of tall, leafy trees between your house and the train tracks. This is a long-term approach that may not solve your immediate problem, but planting evergreen trees such as cherry laurels and ligustrum shrubs will help to keep the train whistle noise from returning full-force in the fall and winter.
Relocate your bedroom. This can make a huge difference because you can use the entire house as insulation between yourself and the train. If you can move to the opposite side of the house from the train tracks, you'll find that the noise is significantly decreased.