How to Avoid Styrofoam

After a large meal at a restaurant, the server returns to the table with the check and the offer, "Would you like me to box that up for you?" The "box" is most likely made from polystyrene, otherwise known as plastic foam or its trademarked name, Styrofoam. These plastic foam takeout boxes are environmental polluters that pile up in landfills because most recycling plants are not equipped to handle plastic foam, according to the Earth Resource Foundation. Despite the prevalence of plastic foam in home insulation, packing materials and food containers, alternatives to plastic foam are available.

Things You'll Need

  • Reusable cup
  • Air-filled bags
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    • 1

      Buy cups and plates that are made out of recyclable material such as ceramic, glass, paper or recyclable plastics with the numbers one, two or five on the bottom.

    • 2

      Use air-filled bags instead of plastic foam packing peanuts when packing and shipping a product.

    • 3

      Bring your own cup to places such as work or parties where drinks are served in plastic foam.

    • 4

      Use polyisocyanurate (polyiso) instead of polystyrene for above-ground insulation in buildings.

    • 5

      Ask restaurants to use alternatives such as cardboard, foil or plastic for takeout and leftover containers.

    • 6

      Write letters urging companies to stop using plastic foam.

    • 7

      Talk to friends and family about the importance of avoiding plastic foam.

    • 8

      Advocate for legislation restricting or banning the use of polystyrene in your city.

    • 9

      Discuss alternatives to plastic foam with local schools that use plastic foam lunch trays.

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