How to Dispose of Pill Containers
Things You'll Need
- Black permanent marker
- Warm water
- Sink
- Metal spatula or putty knife
- Waste container
Take a black permanent marker and black out all personal information on your prescription pill bottles.You will want to black out your name, doctor's name, the name of the prescription, as well as the address where you got the prescription filled.
Fill a sink with hot water and drop all prescription pill bottles into the sink. You can also soak over-the-counter pill bottles in the sink if you do not want anyone knowing what over-the-counter medications you are taking. Let the bottles soak for about 10 minutes.
Remove the pill bottles from the water and use a metal spatula or putty knife to scrape the labels off the bottles. Scrape the labels off in strips, rather than in one solid piece, to further destroy personal information contained on the labels. Throw the label remains in the garbage along with the now-blank pill bottles, both prescription and over-thecounter.