How to Prevent the Damaging Effects of Air Pollution
Change the way you travel from place to place. Cars and trucks, our favorite possessions, remain our worst polluters. Hybrid cars show promise in electric powered travel. Making a switch instantly gives you bonus points for helping reduce air pollution. Do even more and walk or bike whenever possible. As an added benefit, you'll be improving your health as you prevent pollution. If your city does not have good bike paths, ask a council member to make building bike paths a priority.
Contact your legislators and tell them you support strict limits for pollution and a system that makes businesses responsible for their share of the pollution.
Contribute financially to projects and inventions that aim to reduce pollution. Without the funds to make a proposal a reality, an idea is just an idea. Ask your congressional representative to commit a consequential part of your tax dollar to funding good pollution reduction ideas.
Regularly consider new technology for controlling pollution. Several ideas have achieved technological reality but have not taken over the commercial market because they await a person committed to putting the technology to use. Stay on top of developing technologies that could benefit your business or your life and the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's New and Emerging Technologies provides current information on effective technologies and on promising technologies still in research and development.