Hand Dryer Vs. Paper Towel for Being Green

Since hand dryers first started appearing in public restrooms, people have been debating whether they are better for the environment than using paper towels. Here are some of the facts to consider when deciding which is the greener option.
  1. Paper towels

    • Most paper towels used for restrooms are made from recycled paper. However, used paper towels are not recycled but are thrown away, adding more waste to landfills and creating emissions from transporting the paper waste.

    Hand Dryers

    • Electric hand dryers have improved over the years. Original hand dryers used large amounts of energy and were not very effective. Modern hand dryers conserve energy and leave hands drier than before.

    Environmental impact

    • When all the environmental costs of manufacturing either paper towels or electric hand dryers are translated into the greenhouse gas emissions that trap heat in the atmosphere, Climateconservancy.org states that paper towels leave a carbon footprint of 56 g greenhouse gas emissions, while hand dryers are responsible for 9 g to 40 g greenhouse gas emissions. (See Reference 1)

    Monetary costs

    • Paper towels must constantly be replaced. Manufacturing, shipping and removing paper towels on a regular basis can cost an organization hundreds or thousands of dollars. Hand dryers last for seven to 10 years and require little maintenance. Although some units are very expensive, spreading the cost over several years can be more economical.

    Other options

    • The best option for being green is to bring your own towels to dry your hands on, air-dry them or wipe them on your pants. These options are not for everyone, but will provide the smallest individual carbon footprint.

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