Why Is Water Vital to Life?
According to Columbia University, scientists believe that water emerged from the interior of the earth through volcanic eruptions a few hundred million years ago.
Water comes in many forms, but it is vital for life that water be in the form of a liquid. Mars and Venus have water, but it is in the form of ice, which makes it impossible for life to be sustainable.
It's vitally important that people and animals drink water that is pure. Each year, millions of people die from water-borne diseases and contaminated drinking water.
Water for Life Era
In December 2003, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the decade from 2005 to 2015 as the "Water for Life" era. One of the main commitments for Water for Life is to provide access to safe drinking water for millions around the world.
Droughts can bring health and economic devastation, especially in the poorest countries, where droughts are a regular affliction. Water efficiency is essential, especially in agriculture.