Organic Agriculture Environmental Benefits
Organically grown produce has become increasingly popular.
The definition of organic farming is a form of agriculture that uses methods such as cultivation, crop rotation, green manure, biological pest control and composting to grow food and other plants. There are many environmental benefits of organic farming. For instance, organic farming helps to keep water systems and ground water clean by reducing chemical contaminants that can leach into the soil. Organic farming increases the health of the soil, allowing the land to produce for more years than conventionally farmed land.
Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is a process of growing different types of crops in certain areas in different seasons. The home of different plant species is continually changed to avoid build up of certain pests that like to consume certain crops. Moving the crops also creates more nutrient dense soil because excessive use of the soil causes the nutrients in the soil to become depleted. This creates more fertile land, which is always good for the environment.
Green Fertilizer
Green manure is a common practice in organic farming. Green manure is a type of crop cover that is used to add additional vitamins to the soil. Common nutrient rich crops are grown with cow manure, such as mustard seeds, fenugreek, oats, rye, fava beans and clover. The crops are then plowed and mashed to be used as a crop cover for other plants, so basically green manure is a combination of actual manure and various plants. Green manure helps to balance out the bacteria and nitrogen levels in the soil. This causes root systems to improve in addition to preventing soil erosion, which is another plus for the planet.
Compost, also called brown waste, is another method used to grow organic produce. Composting is the process of combining food and plant waste to be used as a fertilizer, soil conditioner and natural pesticide. Composting helps keep waste out of landfills.
Biological Pest Control
Biological pest control is the practice of controlling bugs by using other bugs that are beneficial to plants. Lady bugs and other natural predators are used to protect plants and kill off the bad bugs that like to eat plants. This reduces the amount of pesticides and insecticides that are released into the environment.