Phases of Bacterial Growth

The spread of bacteria has long been a hot topic of scientific concern. Given the correct conditions, these organisms, some of which spread disease, will multiply at an alarming rate.
  1. Lag Phase

    • During this stage, bacteria get acclimated to their environment. They need time to get used to their nutrients, so growth is slow during this phase.

    Log Phase

    • Once the bacteria have adapted, they begin to multiply exponentially. During this stage, their numbers double every few minutes.

    Stationary Phase

    • Eventually, the number of bacteria is so large that the food supply begins to dwindle. At this point, the rapid growth of the log phase stops.

    Death Phase

    • Because there are so many bacteria, they can't move to find further resources. Their food supply runs out, waste products build up, and the bacteria die.


    • When in the right conditions, bacteria can grow at any amazing rate. However, they have to have proper light, food and pH levels to accomplish this.

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