Ways to Recycle Paper
Reducing our consumption of paper is one way to recycle. Whenever possible, use cloth instead of paper. Common examples include things such as napkins, shopping bags, plates and diapers. Use both sides of your paper so you'll use less. Opt for electronic options such as email and online bill pay instead of printing paper; if printing is necessary, use the smallest font size you can get away with. Use waste paper around the house for notepads and get off all of those unnecessary mailing lists to reduce the flow of junk mail.
Most households have an abundance of waste paper lying around. You can shred your old newspapers to line pet cages. If you mix shredded newspaper with detergent and baking soda and allow to air dry, you have homemade kitty litter. Shredded paper is works as a nice filler for pillows or anywhere else you need padding. Old artwork or calendars works well for wrapping paper, or you can simply reuse old wrapping paper to save money during special occasions. Old paper also has applications in a variety of craft projects, such as collages with old greeting cards and magazines or paper Mache with old newspaper. Waste paper makes good covers for textbooks. Keep old cardboard boxes for next time you need to ship something and utilize old packing peanuts for supplemental household insulation in the attic.
Recycling old paper curbside or at a recycling center is still an eco-friendly option. Remember, not all types of paper are accepted. If the paper has food or oil stains, wax coatings, stickers, foil or laminate on it, it cannot be recycled. Always make sure to properly sort your recyclables to ensure maximum efficiency, and purchase recycled products whenever you can. With all of the options available for reusing or recycling waste paper, there is no need for any paper to end up in the landfills.