How to Stop Coastal Erosion
Things You'll Need
- Natural vegetation
- Sand fill
- Bio-logs
- Organic matting
- Rock
- Oyster spat
Conduct a site assessment. Determine the bank erosion rate, elevation, fetch (distance across the water), wave energy, prevailing wind direction, vegetation presence and soil type. Hire a bioengineering design professional to conduct a detailed site assessment if you are unable to do so yourself.
Prepare a project design in accordance with the needs of the site. List your objectives for the project and all materials required. Hire a design professional to help prepare plans and permit applications for the project if you are unable to do so yourself. A design professional can also help you to order the materials and hire a qualified contractor.
Determine the cost to complete the project. Find out if there are grant programs available to homeowners to assist with implementing stream bank stabilization projects. Work with your design consultant to write and obtain a grant from a variety of sources.
Apply for and receive permits. Local, state and federal agencies have jurisdiction
over activities that occur in and around waterways. Not properly permitting your project can result in stiff fines and legal trouble, so always check with the appropriate agencies during the planning stages. Some projects will require more than one permit. Allow at least 90 days to get permits in place. -
Decide whether you are going to take on the project yourself or hire a contractor. Obtain at least thee bids for the work. Ask the contractor to submit a list of similar project experience and a list of references.
Construct a living shoreline using living plants, earthen material, oyster spat and rocks or bio-logs. Disturb the natural habitat as little as possible.