Toxic Mold Treatment
Dress with Safety in Mind
Keep safety precautions in mind when preparing to deal with toxic mold. This mold can make you very ill, and can be fatal in some instances. It is therefore very important to protect yourself against the mold that you are treating.
Protective eyewear should be worn at all times to protect the eyes from coming into contact with mold spores. Rubber gloves should also be worn to protect the skin from coming into contact with any toxic substances. A carbon filter facemask should be worn by anyone who comes in the room, as a means of protecting the respiratory system. Disposable HAZMAT suits are an added bonus, if they can be purchased locally.
Locate the Mold
Toxic mold can be difficult to find because it can live and grow on the inside of the wall for months before it begins to break through the surface. For most people, the initial indication that mold is present will be a very strong aroma that is earthy and musty. Another indication may be an area where wood is warped, which would indicate a water leak, which is the breeding ground for toxic mold.
If you believe you have located the source of the mold, remove all furniture, rugs, decorations and other items from the room. Cover doorways and windows to prevent spores from being able to drift. Carefully cut away a test area from the wall and inspect the reverse side for black mold. If mold is found, the room will need to be treated.
Treat the Mold
Toxic mold is very difficult to treat. So difficult, that the only way to remove it from a room is by brute force. That means sealing off the room and carefully cutting away all of the boards, carpets and other items that the mold has attached itself to. Use smooth cuts rather than manually breaking boards. Mold spores are released into the room when the mold is disturbed, so it is important to have as little impact as possible.
Immediately seal each piece in plastic as it is removed. The infected pieces can only be incinerated and must be disposed of properly. Contact your local health department to find out specifically where to take the materials. You will also need to remove any carpet in the room, since it may become the target of spores that are released during the removal process.
When all material has been removed, fix any leaks or treat whatever source of moisture that allowed the mold to grow in the first place. Dry the area well. Wash all surfaces with a solution containing one cup of bleach mixed into one gallon of water. Wait 24 hours and wash surfaces again before rebuilding the walls that were removed.