Styrofoam Alternative
Why Styrofoam Is Dangerous
Polystyrene foam takes an incredibly long time to break down in the environment and is harmful to animals that may ingest it. Additionally, when stored or heated, Styrofoam may leach the possible human carcinogen styrene into foods. Styrene is also suspected of disrupting hormones, harming developing bodies. Polystyrene is manufactured from petroleum and is highly flammable. It is produced using a chemical called benzene, which is a known human carcinogen. In fact, nearly two dozen cities in the U.S. have banned the use of polystyrene for food packaging.
Corn and Sugar Derivatives
There are several new technologies on the market for packaging, including biodegradable food containers and eating utensils made from corn and sugar. Polylactic Acid (PLA) is a clear "plastic" derived from a number of plant-based sources, including corn, wheat, sugar cane and potentially even potatoes. Made from the waste fibers of the sugar manufacturing industry, bagasse is the fibrous residue remaining after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. This renewable resource is currently used in the manufacturing of pulp and paper products and building materials.
Paper Products
Paper products are much easier to recycle---picked up at most curb sides---and do not contain as many harmful chemicals as Styrofoam. Opt for recycled paper products to reduce environmental impact, specifically looking for high post-consumer waste content.
Biodegradable Packaging
Several companies are offering biodegradable packing peanuts in lieu of the traditional Styrofoam ones. StarchTech's (see Resources) nontoxic, biodegradable packaging material, The Mighty I packing peanut, can be reused, composted or simply disposed of by dissolving it in a sink or bath tub. Puffy Stuff (see Resources) is another all-natural, completely biodegradable packaging material.
Reusable Ceramics, Glass and Stoneware
The safest and greenest alternative to Styrofoam plates and food containers are glass, ceramic and stoneware products. These products are washable, highly reusable and do not leach chemicals onto food.