Carbon Footprint Reduction
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint at Home
Using less electricity lowers your carbon emissions. Use compact fluorescent tubes instead of incandescent light bulbs. Set your thermostat two degrees lower in winter and the same amount higher in summer. Install double-pane windows. Never leave lights on in uninhabited rooms. Install weather stripping on all doors and windows. Clean the air filter on your air conditioning and heating systems every month. Unplug phone chargers, televisions, stereos, DVD players and all other electronics when not using them; those little red and blue lights use much energy over time. Get your utility company to do an energy audit; then follow the advice to save energy.
Change your faucets and showerheads to low-flow models; don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth.
Cook more food in your microwave than your oven. Buy vegetables and fresh fruit from farmer's markets instead of grocery stores. Grow your own vegetables; you'll lower your carbon footprint further. A 2008 study by Elke Stehfest and others found that eating less meat helps improve the environment. Use cloth napkins and towels instead of their paper equivalents.
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint at Work
Buy a printer that uses refillable ink cartridges; use recyclable paper for printing. Reuse paper by printing on both sides. Reuse envelopes, paper clips, file folders or binders. Take your own coffee cup instead of using Styrofoam or paper cups. If you eat out at lunch, choose restaurants that use paper cups instead of foam ones. Instead of paper towels, use your own cloth towel when you wash your hands.Turn off all lights and surge protectors before you leave for the day.
Adapt New Driving Habits
Combine trips so you're not going only to the bank, post office or grocery store. Car pool to work and with your neighbors for shopping trips. Get rid of your gas-guzzling SUV or other vehicle; replace it with a hybrid car. You'll save money on gas and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. Buy radial tires and make sure to inflate them to the proper pressure regularly. Drive five miles under the speed limit; you'll be surprised at how much gas you'll save. Never let your car idle; turn it off. Walk, bike or take public transportation instead of driving.